Source code for phylogeny.reconstruction.allquartets

All quartets method.

Given an n×n additive matrix M with n ≥ 5 associated to a 
binary tree T with positive branch lengths, we can construct
T using a two-step technique that we now describe. 

In Step 1, we compute a quartet tree on every four leaves by
applying the Four Point Method to each 4×4 submatrix of M. 

In Step 2, we assemble the quartet trees into a tree on the
full set of leaves. Step 1 is straightforward. The technique 
we use in Step 2 is called the “All Quartets Method”.


import itertools as itr
from ..core import Tree
from ..core.fpc import fpc_sums

[docs]def induced_quartet(dist_matrix, idx_quartet=None): """Get the induced quartet ordering of 4 items.""" if idx_quartet is None: idx_quartet = range(4) # The first 4 elements q = tuple(idx_quartet) # Calculate the relevant pairwise sums sums = fpc_sums(dist_matrix, q) # Get the quartet with smallest sum quartet = min(sums, key=lambda x:sums[x]) return quartet
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[docs]def map_names_to_quartet(quartet, names=None): "Map the names to the quartet's indices." if names: ((a,b),(c,d)) = quartet return ((names[a],names[b]), (names[c],names[d])) else: return quartet
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[docs]def four_point_method(additive, names=None): """Method for inferring a tree from a 4x4 additive matrix. If we are given a 4×4 additive matrix 'D' that corresponds to a tree 'T' with positive branch weights, then we can easily compute 'T' from 'D': We calculate the three pairwise sums from the four point condition, we determine which of the three pairwise sums is the smallest, and use that one to define the split for the four leaves into two sets of two leaves each. """ if names is None: try: names = additive.names except AttributeError: pass # Calculate the quartet inferred by the distances quartet = induced_quartet(additive) # Map the names to the quartet quartet = map_names_to_quartet(quartet, names) # Assemble the quartet into a tree structure tree = Tree.from_quartet(quartet) return tree
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[docs]def all_quartets(dist_matrix, names=None): "Get all inferred quartet subtrees." if names is None: try: names = dist_matrix.names except AttributeError: pass n = len(dist_matrix) quartets = itr.combinations(range(n), 4) return [map_names_to_quartet(induced_quartet(dist_matrix,q), names) for q in quartets]
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[docs]def infer_siblings(quartets): """From the tree quartets, infer pairs of sibling leafs. We search for a pair x,y of leaves that is always together in any quartet that contains both x and y. (In other words, for all a,b, any quartet on {x,y,a,b} is ((x,y),(a,b))). Any pair of leaves that are siblings in the quartets tree T will satisfy this property. """ together = set() separated = set() for q in quartets: quartet = { frozenset(pair) for pair in q } together |= quartet ((a,b), (c,d)) = q separated |= { frozenset(i) for i in [(a,c), (a,d), (b,c), (b,d)] } return {frozenset(pair) for pair in together - separated}
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[docs]def tree_from_quartets(quartets): "From the given quartets, assemble the tree." if len(quartets) == 1: q = quartets[0] return Tree.from_quartet(q) else: # Fetch a pair of sibling leafs a,b = list(infer_siblings(quartets).pop()) # Recourse in quartets \ {a} new_quartets = [q for q in quartets if (a not in q[0]) and (a not in q[-1])] tree = tree_from_quartets(new_quartets) # Add a as sibling of b tree.add_as_sibling(a,b) return tree
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[docs]def all_quartets_method(dist_matrix, names=None): "Reconstruct the tree from the dist. matrix using the all quartets method." if names is None: try: names = dist_matrix.names except AttributeError: pass quartets = all_quartets(dist_matrix, names) return tree_from_quartets(quartets)
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